Book Review | Girl Hearts Girl By Lucy Sutcliffe

Image - FLURT Magazine. 
Trying my hand at writing a book review today. It's my first review, so it may not be in depth or anything but I will try my best. I admire Lucy so much. I got so excited when she announced she was bringing out a book. I was like yes girl! It's going to be amazing. And it is amazing. I was 100% determined to order it so I got my mum to order and pick it up for me when it arrived at Waterstones in town. Great bookstore for all books. I'm always in the crime section and hope to venture into more fiction. 
But anyway, on with the review for this beautiful book. I hope you enjoy. These are my views. 

I follow Lucy on social media and she is honestly the sweetest down to earth person pretty much ever. Nicest lady you can ever talk to. I love finding out more about her. I love how open and honest she is about her struggles with anxiety and depression. God knows we all suffer with that at the best of times. I do too. We all have those annoying demons to keep fighting. It only makes us stronger. Least in my opinion anyway. We all make mistakes we are not proud of. There's no end to that suffering. 
But I really do admire people that battle their mental illnesses and not let it affect everyday life. I think that's brave. I'm battling quite a few demons myself and I deal with it in my own way. I have my girlfriend for support. Can't ask for more than that. 

This book is amazing, one of the best books I have ever read and I just couldn't put it down. I was totally hooked reading it. I have never been into a book that much. I feel like I can relate to everything that I was reading. Especially with the school and not being interested in dating boys in any way. I'm more into women thankfully. I have written about that in a couple of blog posts on this blog which I will leave links so clicking them will take you to them. I explained it all in those posts. It felt great writing those things. I try being honest and open like Lucy. I relate to every single word. I'm glad to have shared my side of my sexuality and coming out stories blog posts. I kept it secret for a long time. I just hated the fact it was so draining. 

My favourite parts of the book are when Lucy was struggling to accept what her sexuality was and then finally learning to accept it and being happy. That was exactly how I was feeling. I felt confused as to how and why this was all happening and going on in my life. It slapped, but in a wonderful way. But this was way before my beautiful partner came on the scene. Now she is in my life and I couldn't be more grateful. 
It was the best thing to happen to me. 
Lucy meeting Kaelyn was another part I loved because it was the same with my girlfriend. That click on the follow button on Tumblr changed everything as well as coming out a few months later. Coming out is scary however you do it but, as long as you're happy it is 100% worth it. It is scary but if I can come out, you can too. I promise. There's no easy way to come out to family and friends. Just do it. Be brave and go for it. 

I also thought how Lucy told her lovely parents in an e-mail was very cute about coming out that way. So so lovely. 
So yes that is my book review of Girl Hearts Girl. I'd like to thank Lucy for bringing out a truly inspiring read. 

To read my sexuality story, click here
To read my coming out story, click here

Follow Lucy on all platforms:
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