Recipe | Vegetable Frittata

The final day of August and I'm updating my recipes tag on this little blog of mine. It was looking a little lonely without a new photo of tasty food, so I thought I might as well update it before I start a new month of posting on here. I could eat this photo just by looking at it ha ha. This is bay far one of my favourite things to make on weekends. Doesn't take very long and you don't really need a load of stuff to make it. 

Ingredients Required: 
2/3 eggs, depending on how big you want it to be. I usually use 2 medium eggs.
A small bowl to beat the eggs together in.
Salt and pepper for seasoning.
Bowl of red/green/yellow peppers, red onions, peas (what I always use)
Large frying pan and olive oil for mixing everything together
Plate for serving.

Cooking Directions:
 Heat up the oil in the frying pan and add the veg, stirring occasionally until softened for around 3-5 minutes.
Beat the eggs together and pour over the softened veg, folding over the edges of the eggs, then place under the grill for 5 minutes until the eggs are properly cooked through
Place on plate and serve.

As August comes to a close, I won't be sad to see it go. I'll be back with new posts soon. Love you all. x


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