
Hey my lovelies, I'm currently listening to a new playlist I've made and getting very excited about this blog post I'm writing. As the photo shows, it's about the gorgeous Wegan also known as Whitney and Megan. I thought I'd save the best till last. I'm thrilled to be sharing a post about these 2 beautiful ladies on my blog. I hope this goes okay. 
I have been following this journey since mid June 2012 when Whitney had finally got her visa after the first time it got denied. I honestly thought she would get it and that her and Megan could live their life together. It warms my heart so so much, to watch this story evolve into what it is today after overcoming long distance. My love goes out to all long distance couples out there. It's hard but you can overcome it. I'm only 2 hours away from my girlfriend. Brings me some comfort at least anyway. I'm grateful for that. I never ever thought long distance would be in my life again but thank God it's not in a different continent. Long distance has taught me so much. I guess I'm still learning. I wouldn't change it at all. I'm very happy. Thankyou long distance, I owe you one. 

Wegan are the sweetest couple of ladies you can ever talk to. 
I feel safe talking to them, they're always so lovely and kind. As a lesbian myself, I can relate to their long distance lovestory. But the distance doesn't really matter. I'm finally okay with who I am today. I am me and that won't change. 
No way. 
Watching these 2 down to earth ladies be so open about their whole relationship truly is the most wonderful thing in the world. You can find love when you aren't really looking for it. All I know is, love can be one of the greatest feelings if you have it. You don't need to work at love. Love can be totally unexpected. Grab hold of it with both hands. I'm happy I've got a girl that respects me for the person I am. Thank you. 
When Whitney posted her video about coming out as lesbian where she grew up, I was so amazed at how brave she was for just sitting down and talking about it. Hearing her story did move me very much. I was so touched. It made me think about coming out myself. That was something to consider, definitely yeah. I was scared. 
Coming out for any sexuality is scary. 
But I'm finally out and proud of myself. 
I have the most amazing girlfriend who I am so grateful for. My amazing international friends. Just amazing. And of course Wegan. 

Megan - Thank you for always being so sweet when I posted my sexuality post on Instagram. I was terrified to write it but I did and I'm so glad I did. It felt like you were right there beside me and let me tell you, I felt way better. I really do appreciate that so much. Thank you. For everything. I won't forget that ever. 

Whitney - I admire your bravery for coming out and talking about it and how you dealt with that. When I came out I thought I'd never find a girlfriend but now I have had a girlfriend for almost 7 months and I am happy than words can describe. Your video helped me come out to my family and it's all thanks to you and your comforting words. That is something I will be forever grateful for. 
Thank you.  


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