A Mental Health Talk

"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending." 

A few days ago I posted that quote on my Instagram because I like it a lot. It's a great quote. But that's not what I am going to be writing about in today's blog post. I hope I can explain this as best I can and I really hope this can help anyone who needs a bit of cheering up. This is going to be quite a long post, so grab a cup of tea and get comfy. 
Mental illness is something we all struggle with on a daily basis. It's a difficult situation everyone finds themselves in. It is a struggle and can be a struggle. We all struggle and find it hard to control. Emotions start to run high. Emotions start going crazy and can't do anything. We feel like a waste of space and feeling that we are failing, but it doesn't always have to be that way. 
I mentioned what being happy felt like, in an old blog post of mine, and I admit I was struggling to get everything all written down, and it all came out. My mind was on autopilot. My mind went crazy. I can't take control of my own thoughts at the best of times. I understood it all. Everything I was writing made sense, because I was the one writing it. 
It was a very dark moment in my mental health. A battle I am always constantly fighting. I had health problems but got through it. If you hit a problem, you can get past that and start working on it. 
I was fighting a very painful breakup which was dark and really difficult. I was at a low point. A very low point, and it hurt. But if it hurts you can grow from it. We all make mistakes, we're all human, we're not perfect. We do try and learn from making mistakes. Breakups are awful, but you move on and start to be happy again with someone new. I posted a Tumblr post about being with someone who is good for your mental health. I stand by that and I don't deny that. I'm not denying I've had mental health battles because we all do.
We all just need to be that little bit kinder.
We all just need to be that little bit softer. If only the world was like that.
The world is cruel. Everyone knows it. I know it. The world constantly plays games. I hate it. 

Mental health is not something to be ashamed about. Society always seems to have this stupid, messy, fucked up idea of what it wants us to do or what or who it wants us to be and that is plain wrong. Society absolutely fucking sucks and I just want to throw it in the trash. Be who you are, stay true to who you are and that won't be taken away from you. I get so annoyed at how society treats other people. It makes us feel like we've failed when we haven't, it makes me fuming. Battling through mental illness doesn't make you a failure - it just means you're dealing with it in your own way. 

My beautiful girlfriend has her own situations but I'm not going to go into details with that. We keep our relationship private. We intend on keeping it that way. But I am 100% so proud of her. All I can do is continue to love and support her as much as I do right now. Support is key with someone with mental health problems. Don't be a dick and ignore it, offering support can mean so much. More than they can ever know. 
If you know someone that is struggling with mental health, I want you to know that you are not alone. Don't be afraid to talk to family or friends about what you're going through or how you feel about anything. Don't bottle it up or be scared to say something. It might not feel like it but it does and can and will get better. I promise. Yes, mental health is part of our everyday life but it shouldn't stop us from being happy. 

My good longtime friend Richard, but I always call him Rick, always helps me with my mental health. He has never judged me and I am so grateful having him and his family in my life. Little things that are unexpected mean so much to me. Friendship like that really makes me smile. I believe our friendship will last forever. Thank you for helping me. Having you as a friend is comforting. It comforts me knowing that. 
I have so much love and admiration for people battling mental illness, whatever it may be. 
Makes me so so so proud. 
Keep pushing through.
Show your illnesses who's in charge and most importantly keep fighting! 
You got this. 
You are in charge of your own happiness guys. 
Fight off your own demons. 
It can and will get better. You just have to believe it. 
But, like I said before in this blog post, I want you to know that you are not alone in all this. My mental health makes me feel alone, of course, but I'm learning from my experiences and you can too. 
Picture something that makes you happy. Flowers make me happy. Find something to start doing and keep doing it. You never know what you might achieve. So yeah, that is my mental health blog post. I hope that everything I've said helps. I love you all. Kate xx.
Also, whenever I'm feeling sad, I watch this video - Heartbreak 101 by Lucy Elizabeth. It truly speaks to me so much. Thank you Lucy.


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