This Is Who I Am | An Introduction

It has never ever occurred to me that I have not properly introduced myself to you on my little blogging space, so I'm doing it right now. 

My name is Kate.
I'm 36
I live in England and this is my blog. 
I blog fashion, life updates, beauty and anything else of interest so it's a little bit of everything. 
I started blogging in originally 2009. 
It's my sanctuary to always come to when I want to sit down and blog. 
I'm a big designer fashion fan.
I have a big family.
I'm a Christian and dedicate my life for God. 
My birthday is February 24th. 
I have many friends from around the world but mostly from the US
I will be with my beautiful girlfriend a year on July 30 2019. 
My girlfriend is my best friend
I love watching crime documentaries and cold cases
I love Christian music
I love Country music
I read when I'm not blogging
I'm semi Vegan but mainly Vegetarian
I also love to write poetry

I've probably missed some other things but it's too many to name. I hope you have liked this and that it's somewhat entertaining. My lifestyle series starts tomorrow. Hint - it's rather tasty. 


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