I Like Being a Small Blogger

First of all, happy new year to you beautiful bunch of lovelies, it is January 1st. While I'm sad (kind of) to see 2018 go, I'm excited to see what 2019 will be like. I guess I'll just have to wait and see right? 
This photo is from my Instagram from October 20 2016. I like this photo a lot. It makes me smile because I'm always smiling. I like to be happy. Life's way too short to be miserable. Sometimes you need to grab hold and go after what you want. I'm determined to go after what I want in 2019. I can sense good things are going to happen. I can only send love to those who might need it right now. I hope it brings comfort. 
I'm hoping to start writing more on this blog this year. I've missed it and I blog to escape everything. I'm a small blogger and I love being one. I wouldn't change it at all. Blogging is not a job for me, it's a fun thing I adore doing. Blogging is blogging to me, it's not a competition to see who has a better blog, I just love blogging. 

I love sharing my life, which music I'm listening to, places I go to and basic general interest in everything else that I like. Got big plans for my little blogging space. Watch out for that guys. I've loved blogging the past few months. 


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