My Coming Out Story

This has been something that I have wanted to write about and share for so long that I just haven't found the right time to say it, until now. But in honesty, I want to share it and hope it can help others with coming out. 
Coming out is not an easy thing no matter where you're from or who you are. It's never an easy situation to find yourself in. It's never straightforward or simple, but it happens every day. People come out all the time. I knew that was pretty important for some people, but not always the case for others. It makes me sad.

But anyway, I'm presenting to you my coming out story. 
I hope that everything I'm about to say finds comfort in trying to deal with coming out and eventually finding the strength to finally come out. I hope.
I first discovered that I was into girls at about aged 16. I usually at school would have female teachers and they were beautiful. Didn't think anything of it but oh well. So I didn't choose to think about it. To the back of my mind it went. 
And it stayed that way for so many years. 

Relationships with boys have never ever worked for me. I was always forgotten about or dumped. One or the other it was always not good and it was always made to be my fault. I was sure it was my fault. Did I do something wrong? Was it me? Why am I always being dumped and being treated like this? But then I realised that it was the boys I was actually dating. The worst kind of boys pretty much ever. That was not for me and I needed to escape and get away from that cycle. Best thing I ever did to be fair.
I felt free from those bad relationships at last finally. 
I was finally out that horrible cycle of being in bad relationships with the wrong guys. That was it. I was free not to do that again. Now I could get on with college and focus on different things. I was happier. 

College for me lasted until 2001 and I only had 3 relationships with boys who, again treated me like crap. I did it again. I couldn't believe it was happening all over again and that cycle started dragging me back down again. Ugh. Not again, I thought to myself. This is not good and I've got to do something. 
I've got to get out and away from it all. 

Many years went by without a relationship which was great, and it felt like a massive relief, I won't lie to you. I was determined to wait until I was actually worthy of a decent relationship. I wanted to wait. I wanted to wait. Whatever, I decided I was going to wait and see if anyone came along for me. Again, I didn't expect to get my hopes up or anything, so I left it for a while. And then the strangest thing had happened. 
A girl from France had walked into my life. 
I had finally found someone that was on the same level as I was, and that meant everything until we broke up for good in March 2015. 
Memories always stay for sure. 
I won't forget it ever. 

On the 30th of July 2018, a beautiful girl came walking into my life at just the right moment, called Ami. I have found someone so amazing and to call her my girlfriend. She makes everything honestly so much better. I'm so excited for our life together and all the things we're going to achieve. She is my everything. As I write this part of my story, we celebrate 7 weeks together as a couple. Ain't it funny how time flies? It's so crazy but amazing. 

I came out on August 30 2018 in Cardiff. It was a total disaster and I got a massive lecture, so for me coming out was an event that went wrong but it's done now. I want my parents to see how happy Ami makes me and how perfect she is. 
I will do all I can to do that no matter what. 

So yes, that is my coming out story. I really hope my words help and that you guys try to come out to your families and friends. 
Thanks lovelies.  Kate.

To read my sexuality story, click here


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