Tips For Going Vegetarian

I'm really loving my lifestyle series on my blog so much. It's good to do something different to my usual posts. I do try and make my blog interesting but I blog for myself. There's nothing I like to do more. I love collecting all sorts of photos to put on my blog when I want to write a new post. I'm at my happiest. 
I wrote a blog post on why I decided to go vegetarian and, in all honesty, it's been the best choice I ever made. Mainly for health reasons because I was ill in 2013 but I'm living with that. A scary turning point in my life. You just have to keep fighting. I might do a separate blog post about it on my blog. That has been something I haven't really spoken about before at all. I will write that soon. But anyway, back to this post today. 
People go vegetarian for all kinds of reasons. 
It's one of the most rewarding things you can do for yourself. 
I did my research first and there was a lot of information to take in, but I got the gist of it. I found it exciting and interesting all rolled into one. That was when I made my decision. I thought to myself, yeah, I can do this thing. 
And I have never looked back since day one. 
Anyone can change food-wise. I did. I have a Vitamin D deficiency, which I constantly fight against, but don't like my tablets. But anyway, here are my tips for starting your vegetarian journey. 


Research and read about vegetarianism - I wanted to find out more before I decided to make the change. It's best to do that before deciding what you want to do first. It worked for me and I will never go back to how it was. Vegetarianism has changed everything around for me and it's stayed that way. Thank goodness. 
Make a list of vegetarian food to sample - Another thing I did and found it very helpful. I found doing that helped and I wouldn't change that for anything. I think it helped me understand it a lot better and a lot more. 
Meal Planning - I mentioned this in my previous blog post. I will put the links to that post as well as my vegetarianism story here in this blog post. I can only hope my words can help people make a choice. Don't rush to making a decision, take your time with it. I'm glad I did. Things like this take time and consideration. Rushing into things is never a good idea and will always go wrong. I had to really think about it. Thinking it over helps. 
Reading Vegetarian and Food Magazines - You can buy these from various supermarkets or you can go online to read for tips about health, recipes and inspiration. You can get good use out of things like that when new issues are on arrival. What could be better than inspiration for health? Quite a lot of things. I'm always inspired. 

Keep a Food Diary - A good way of  tracking and recording of what you are and have been eating, and maybe an exercise routine mixed in. We all need to do a bit of both. 

My previous blog post here
And finally, how deliciously tasty are these foodie photos? 
That finishes my blog post for today. I will be taking a small blogging break but I will return. Love you all. 
Kate xxx. 


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