Tips For When We're Not Feeling It

Photo via Weheartit.
We all have those days when all we want to do is not do anything. It happens to the best of us. Depends what mood we're in. Sometimes we just want to stay in bed and not do anything at all. And that's okay. It's perfectly okay to feel like not feeling it. But that is something that we all can change. Take some time out for yourself. 
How relaxing and calming does this bathroom feel and look? Makes me want to lock the door and soak all my troubles away without any interruptions. That does sound good right about now. Yes please. 
Here are my tips for when we aren't feeling it. I hope it helps. 

  • Listening to music - We all want to brighten up our mood, whatever that mood is, with music. Make a calming playlist or look out for new releases and material from your favourite artists. Everything can feel miles better with listening to my favourite artists. As soon as my music hits my eardrums I am instantly happier. 
  • Cooking and Meal Planning - I've been seeing so many high influential bloggers constantly blogging about this and I'm always very impressed at how organised it all is. I love cooking, it calms me if I properly work at it. I'm trying to be better food-wise. And all vegetarian and vegan of course. I'm also particularly fond of baking too. It's fun. Give me brownies and I am gone. 
  • Meeting up with old friends - I think this is always a good idea if it's been a while seeing friends. Give them a buzz on social media or text or call them and arrange a suitable time and date and then go meet up. Catching up with friendships is the best feeling, old or new. Find new friends. Make new friends. I always do. You never know who's out there waiting for you. 
  • Reading books - Sometimes all we need is a good book and enough said. 
  • Start writing - I love to write. It's my serious hobby and I enjoy it so much. 
  • Listen to Podcasts - I started getting into podcasts because I was looking for something other than music. I'm actually going to do a blog post about the podcasts that I'm into recently. I've saved some really awesome podcasts with the best episodes. Keep your eyes peeled for that and I will blog again soon. Kate xx.
I love you all. 
 I hope you enjoy the 3rd installment of my lifestyle blog series. 


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