What I Think About USA Gymnastics

*Disclaimer* Again, I am not involved in gymnastics, this is just what I think and what my views are. I have no intention of upsetting any gymnasts. 
I've always had a big respect for USA Gymnastics, what it is, what they represent and stand for, but after hearing stories and watching interviews and footage from every one of the survivors of the Larry Nasser abuse case (which has what caused the downfall of USA Gymnastics in the first place) which is totally disturbing to me that this grown man can perform such disgusting things on young girls training to be gymnasts. If I had a daughter and she wanted to be a gymnast I would not let her do it because of what has happened in that organisation. USA Gymnastics still has to be held accountable for even allowing this to have happened to these incredible ladies that have gone through all this suffering. I admire them. 
I was online reading all the stories and hearing all the statements from all of the survivors and it...blew my mind. To see these brave girls stand up and tell people about what Larry Nasser had done to them really sickened me. How could he have gotten away with it for so long? I think it's wrong and also a disgusting thing that abuse can happen to anyone. USA Gymnastics used to be something that I thought was special has now gone. This should not have been allowed to happen because young girls want to follow their dreams, like I always do, is just so so wrong. 

Abuse is never okay, it's never ever ever okay, getting away with it is not okay. Nothing is ever going to be okay and USA Gymnastics needs to change completely. The survivors of this are human beings that have dedicated their entire lives to training to be the best and that is the most heartbreaking thing to hear. I can only pray and hope that things can get better and change for the better. Larry Nasser is in jail for the rest of his life which is where he should be and I'm thankful that he can never ever hurt any more gymnasts ever again. 
To hear these powerful statements from former gymnasts and hearing their experiences about what they went through at the hands of this man that you were supposed to have trusted with everything just brings me to tears because it makes me so sad that they left the sport they have spent their lives in is just devastating. I feel like I've grown up with them even though I haven't and don't personally know them breaks my heart. 
Something needs to change. 
USA Gymnastics needs to change. You had one job and you couldn't even do it all properly. I'm appalled and you should also be ashamed. 
USA Gymnastics are supposed to be there in bad times and they couldn't even see what was going on. 
Maggie Nichols 
I have major major love and respect for this girl. She came forward as Athlete A during this whole mess saying she had suffered and that also blew my mind. Maggie is a beautiful person and she's been so successful is really inspiring. It's amazing and all I want to do is give her a big hug and tell her how brave and courageous she's been throughout all of this. There's also the documentary Athlete A which is on Netflix if you have it and are yet to watch it. Mags, I can only hope you know how wonderful you are. I prayed for you, kept you in my thoughts. You are absolutely incredible and I love you so much. 
Aly Raisman
I admire this girl so much, the way she has handled everything within USA Gymnastics is truly amazing. I have nothing but respect for her work and everything she's been doing since retiring from gymnastics. I couldn't stand up and confront evil people. Your friends and family love you so much and so do I. 
I applaud your courage and your bravery and everything you believe in. If only there were more human beings like you x. 
Simone Biles
So much love for you girl. There's nothing else I can add to know that you are truly the greatest. 


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