Body Positivity Is Awesome

This is something I've wanted to write about for so long because I don't really hear many bloggers ever talking about this type of thing, so I thought I might as well write about this on my blog and tell people my story. Now feels like the right time to do so. I hope what I'm writing will help people be a lot more positive about body shapes, regardless of sizes. 

I've always tried to be upbeat and positive about the size of how my body is. I admit I was a lot thinner that I was way back in August 2012 (30 years old) up until 2020 (38 years old) and I never really paid any attention to how I was 8 years ago. I've been a vegetarian for a good few years and it's been the best decision I ever decided to make. It was something I always wanted to do and I just went ahead and did it. I know it's not for everyone, being vegetarian/vegan or whatever, but I just didn't want to eat foods that were bad for you. Maybe that's something to do with body image, I'm not really too sure but it definitely feels like it. It's been a huge part of my life and I'm glad I decided to take that step and go for it. I love experimenting with vegetarian foods. I come up with some really awesome recipes that I always go back to. 
I try and drink caffeine free teas as often as I can. There are so many flavours of it that I wish I had them all. I remember I went to Glastonbury about 3 years ago in 2017 and there was the sweetest little store called Earthfare that had everything veggie and vegan, as well as an array of all these different teas and coffees you can possibly think of and want, so I picked up two of them and was instantly blown away. One was a Woman's Balance tea and the other was a green berry tea, which were awesome and want to buy again. Cheap too and so much better for the environment for sure. Making that change made me happy. 
Sometimes it's nice to start trying out new things. I know I do. But anyway, back to what I'm saying in this blog post. 

This is a photo of me taken in March last year (2019) and was a UK size 12 in clothing, but that's really not the case any more. I'm a lot bigger now than what I was that year, but I'm learning to take in all in my stride. I might look happy but underneath I was definitely faking that smile I have on my little face. I didn't know what it was, and I still don't know now. In case you don't know, I suffer with anxiety and depression but that doesn't change who I am. I get so caught up in my own little world at the best of times. I can't help it. Whenever I get the chance to go shopping, I always choose a size 14/L because it's oversized and good size to cope with my body shape. I prefer baggy clothing rather than skimpy tight clothing. Not flattering. 
I've heard so many stories of how people are constantly being shamed for their body size and it makes me so angry that some so-called 'people' have this kinda interpretation of how humans 'should' look like. It's so dumb. There's no right-way to go about body size, what it represents and what it should even be about. What's that all about? No one should ever be shamed because of body size. Calling someone fat is never a good idea. Body image is amazing. I have so much respect for people who are even bigger than me. I'm all about acceptance and kindness when it comes to other people. I look at their body size and think it's beautiful. Screw anyone who doesn't think that because that's their point of view. Fuck that. Shaming someone because of what their body looks like is so out of order and so wrong. I've always been about treating people with love and respect and kindness, because that's part of my personality. That's just me. 
We all feel insecure about something in our lives.
I've put weight on, I admit that but I'm okay with that. 
Yeah, I've had things said to me, but I just ignore it. You can say anything you like to me and it will never change how I feel about myself. And I always talk about acceptance and kindness - when I see girls/women half my size, I think nothing but nice things and thoughts, even people I follow on Instagram and people I look up to, I have nothing but love and acceptance and respect for the people they are. It's so so inspiring. I strongly believe in being kind and polite until they give me a reason not to be. Life's too short to be angry and unkind with each other. Words can be a weapon. You need to be so careful with what you say, and a few nasty words can really tip them over the edge. You have no idea about the damage that can do. 

I've started wearing a lot more black because I find it fits my body shape a lot better than what coloured clothing make me feel. I feel more comfortable in that colour. It's one of my favourite colours I've loved for years and it reduces your body size quite a bit, which is a good thing. But that isn't the reason why I'm going dark and Gothic again. I just feel comfortable dressing that way and it feels great to be starting it all up again but different. Don't ever be afraid to experiment and try new things when it comes to finding clothes that fit you. Don't ever let society tell you what to do. I feel better in a size 14, always will. 
I wear large in band T-shirts and jumpers because I love oversized clothes. I admit I have put weight on. It's fine. It's okay. Putting on weight is perfectly fine. It's nothing to worry about. I admire anyone that's comfortable in their own and skin and if I can be comfortable in mine, I'll keep standing up for that. I'm learning so much more about who I am as a person and who I want to be. I'm now looking at clothes that I class as different. I like myself and I'm not gonna change for anyone. I'm gonna keep on doing my thing. I've been through way too much to not be proud of who I am and where I'm going, whatever size my body is.  


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