Goth - Tips and Advice

Monday, and the start of a new week (Sundays are so boring) of blogging. What better way to start than my tips and advice for heading over to the dark side and going Goth. We all have that inner Gothic side that is just screaming to get out, so I hope this blog post will help you make that decision if you decide to do it. 
I've been fascinated with all things Goth for as long as I can remember and I thought, I don't want to dress in normal coloured clothes, I want to do something totally different and shock people, so that's what I did - from November 2005 to October 2007 I was a Goth and then I started dressing normally again in normal clothing. I was so sad to leave my dark ways behind because it felt like I had a different identity when I used to be a Goth and it still stays with me, even today, I'm starting to dress like a Goth again. Looking back on it, it was definitely something I wanted to re-vamp for 2020-2021 and I'm going to do it right this time, no interruptions. I wasn't all about being moody and wearing black lippy though. 

My Gothic years were the best years of my life and I'm going to do all that I can to get it back. For me, it's here to stay this time. I still wear black nail polish and dark lipstick, which is what I'm more into than pink or bright lipstick. Now that the months are getting colder, it's definitely time to whip those out again. Why not? It would be so awesome if everyone decided to dress all in black and head on over to the dark side. There's always a first time for everything and we all have to start somewhere right? This post will contain my backstory as well. 
Being Goth/Alternative doesn't always have to be about dressing completely all in black, it can be about mixing in colours too, which is what I'm planning to do with my newly-found dark style. It's going to be so different this time. I'm sticking to all my music I'm currently listening to, that's not changing. I don't shop at Gothic clothing stores, I just tend to stick to high street stores because it's what I love and what I know. There's loads of black clothing around that you can make look really dark and interesting. 

My Goth Backstory:
Still remember all of it like it was yesterday. November 5th 2005.
I had this thought one morning when I woke up and thought to myself, I need to do something really out of the blue and go Alternative, which was what I did and, looking back, this decision was going to be all so worth it. 
I started dying my hair black, which didn't go down very well, shall we say, but I thought, this is my life, my decision and I'm going to carry on doing this until I get bored of dressing in black and being different. I prefer dying my hair darker because it's the only hair colour I feel completely comfortable with really. I wanted to shock people. I wanted them to look at me and think, I want to be like this and go for it. I thought...yeah, this is gonna be great. And it was and still is. I loved every damn second of my 3 year Goth phase and I'm so so excited to be doing it all over again but with a little bit of difference and not just all black. 

My family were hardly impressed with my Gothic look but that was their problem. I continued doing it and I'm glad I did. They knew where it was all coming from and who was behind it - but I was like, how is it your business if I'm a Goth? I don't see how any of this concerns you. I just wanted everyone to stay out of it. My friend Charlotte and her husband used to be Goths. I rarely get to see them any more because they have kids and their own lives to live but I really do miss them, even if it is occasionally but never mind. We'd spend almost all the time hanging out, listening to our music and just being awesome friends. I miss it. Oh those were the days when nothing else mattered and we could be ourselves. Happy times. 
Very much so. 
I wasn't ashamed to be Gothic. Never have been and never will be. I'm not ashamed to admit they were the happiest years of my life. I feel honoured doing this all over again but in a completely different and new way. Dressing in normal clothing is something I'm again growing out of and not be able to be who I want to be. And I still feel like that. 

Tips & Advice:
I'll just write a small list because that will be quicker instead, so I hope this helps: 

Clothing and Style - 
Don't be afraid to start experimenting with black and other clothing colours - be bold, daring and unique. I have a few jumpers that aren't all black, I have yellow, pink, striped and oversized that I mix in with my black cardigans so it looks different and still dark at the same time. I like doing that. And since the Autumn months are arriving, it's all underway for me right now. 
Shoes and Accessories - I'm really not into Gothic style footwear (I;m 5'5), I tend to stick to VANS and Converse - comfy and original. I still have my eyes on a black pair of Converse that I want to mix in with my new upcoming looks. 
Makeup - I don't use black lipstick at all. I use dark red and purple and sometimes normal reds and brown eye-shadow. Black nail polish is a personal fave too.  
Musical tastes and influences - I've been listening to a lot of bands lately like Bauhaus, Siouxsie & The Banshees, Sisters of Mercy, The Cure, things like that, but my music taste is so varied I listen to pretty much everything and anything. 

My advice, before I love you and leave you, is not to be afraid when experimenting with all things Gothic. You can style it any way you want to and don't worry what others think of it. At the end of the day it's YOUR style and no one else's and no one should have the right to tell you that you can't be an individual when style matters. Goths are normal people with different ways of life and nothing to do with anybody else. Don't be scared to be unique, different, and, most of all, don't be scared to be YOU.
And here's a little selection of Goth photos to end this post. So fascinating. Blog again tomorrow lovelies.



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