What I Think About British Gymnastics

Just got back from town and now I'm starting this blog post. 
This is something that I have wanted to write about, ever since this whole thing started in the world of gymnastics. It's one of the best sports in the world and it honestly makes me so sad that it's ended up like this. I've seen, read and heard about so many scandals regarding this incredible sport and I can only hope it gets better. For the better. 

*Disclaimer* I am not involved in gymnastics and have no intention of upsetting any gymnasts, this is just my thoughts and opinion, that is all. Thank you. 
I've basically grown up watching gymnastics, I thought it was so cool how these individuals can do all these amazing moves and no matter how hard they fall they always get back up again. That's so awesome. I kept thinking what that would have been like...getting up for training every morning and making new friends and just having a good relationship with teammates and coaches...but that is so not the case any more. Yeah, you get to be picked for international competitions and get the chance to perform and let go of everything, and I think that's pretty cool, seeing friends and family seeing the chance to see what gymnasts do for a living. 
I have nothing but admiration and respect for today's gymnastic stars. 
I'm always in complete awe of what they do and what their relationships with their coaches are like. But that's all gone down the spout because of what has happened, and, looking back on it, I'm happy I never decided to do gymnastics for a living. I'm happy not being involved in this sport which I still class as one of the most amazing and challenging. 
 Claudia Fragapane 
This girl has become a firm fave of mine, ever since I saw her in Rio 2016 for the Olympic Games that year (even though I had my sights on the USA Gymnastics team because of the way they do the sport) and I thought, this little lady is so awesome at this. I love her style of gymnastics and how she does things. There's no messing with Claudia. I've heard her personal coaches have been suspended now due to the whole coaching scandal and I can't imagine what this must feel like to her. I don't know if I can sympathise with this, but what can you do? 
  Amy Tinkler
I really felt for Amy because she put in so many complaints about this whole awful scandal that she eventually made the choice to retire from competitive gymnastics at the start of this whole shitshow year and let's be honest guys, 2020 has got to be the worst year in all existence and I cannot wait for it to be over. 2020 will be one to remember for all the wrong reasons. I applaud you Amy, for standing up for what you believe in and handling this whole thing in your way. 

So...British Gymnastics...I can only hope that you change your ways and suspend any other coaches that have brought shame on this sport that can be the most challenging and amazing to watch/compete in. I can only hope that this will change for the better and make the sport of gymnastics great again. 
You should be ashamed. 
Stay tuned for my other blog post of this week where I'll be voicing my views and opinions of the scandal of USA Gymnastics. I'll be having my say.  


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