Why I Dedicate My Life To God

Hello, my little apples, today on my blog is all about faith and my side of the story. I've wanted to explain my faith story for years and I'm only deciding now is good a time as any to finally write this. My relationship with God is fantastic in so many ways, it's an unbelievable feeling to have this special bond with God. I'm not afraid to say and admit that I'm a Christian. I know God is always with me when he makes me feel like he isn't, if that makes sense. There are times when I feel he's not here, but I know he exists.
I do know other Christians probably feel like that. 
But that's okay, I can always seek a safety net with God by my side. It's a lot better. God is like a big comfort in my dark times. 

Believing in God definitely changed and impacted my life through Jesus and God in a beautiful way. Once you dedicate your life to God everything changes for the better, and I am so glad and it was a decision I'm very proud I made. I'm reading bible a lot more and it's made me appreciate it more than I used to before and I find a comfort in that too. I have a digital Holy Bible and I love it. It's the best part of my faith and being a Christian. 
It's all about dedicating your life to God. 
Christ died on the cross for our sins. 
It sounds awful but that happened. I was aware of it but that doesn't change my life with God. It only makes my love for God stronger. 
God has been there for me when I've desperately needed him and I'm forever grateful. I really do owe my life to God and through God. I thank God for everything he does for me. There are so many things. Listening to his words can also help. Finding comfort in God's words help me a lot. Everything is a lot better with faith in my life. 

Christianity has become the big part of my life that I couldn't picture without. I couldn't imagine life without God and faith not being in it. 

I wouldn't change being a Christian for anything. 
It's the best feeling in the world and it seriously is truly wonderful. So God, I thank you for all you do for me. I will continue to serve you and do what you want me to do. 
Dedication to God is the best thing you can ever do with your life, it's amazing. Becoming Christian is 100% worth it. 
So that's why I dedicated my life to God, Are any of you guys Christians? How does Christ motivate you? 


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