Top Five Visual Kei Band Recommendations

Hello darlings.
Today I thought I'd do something a bit spontaneous for my post today.
It's no surprise (well maybe lol) why I'm deciding to put this up, but you know what, I'm going to relive my favourites.
Visual Kei is something that I've really loved since 2009. I fell in love with all things from Japan and I even made a few posts about it. It's now been the one thing in my life that has stuck with me and it never changes. I don't think it ever will change. 
It's nice to show an interest in something as unique as this and it's one that will last always. But I'm definitely waffling, so here are my five J-rock bands I highly recommend, so here they are. It's different which is nice. I hope you enjoy. 

One - The Gazette
I love these boys so dearly so it's not a surprise I've put them first on this little list. Fell instantly in love and my favourites for sure. They caught my attention straight away which is pretty rare for me. I'm not usually one that picks favourites any more but Ruki is my little love. He's so sweet and always lovely. He's a big influence for me and I really do admire him so much. He's just a sweet boy. It makes me so happy that I can find a safety net with their music. I'm pretty attached to the guys right now. When a band becomes that important to you, it's hard to let go. The Gazette mean so much to me and the new album will be perfect. Falling was recently released and I love it. NINTH will be amazing. 

I've always kept SCREW very close to my heart for the last two years before they disbanded. I'm still listening to the music and following Byo and Jin on Instagram and I'm so pleased to see both of them doing so well and looking happy. It makes me smile at that and they have my love. It's always good to see bands you admire go into new projects. 
Thank you SCREW for making the past 2 years of my life special. I'm just so so grateful to all of you, I will always love you. 

Three - LM.C
Another band I really love to listen to, catchy, upbeat and fun. LM.C always know how to cheer me up. If I'm having a really bad day I can always go to their music and instant happy feelings again. 

Four - SUG
The cutest band in my little list here.
I couldn't not include these adorable little guys otherwise I wouldn't be writing this post. I still love their last album, it's lovely and it comes with both the Japanese and English lyrics. I would highly recommend SUG and I just fall more in love with them. I keep them with me always. 

Five - Dir En Grey
The first band I ever fell in love with. It was 2009 and something just clicked straight away, and I was hooked. I already was a big K-pop fan at that time so I needed something new to get into but Dir En Grey came looking for me instead of me looking for them. And honestly, once that happened, it's been so brilliant. I really couldn't picture my life without Dir En Grey. They've helped me through my dark times in life and I thank them so much for getting me through everything I've gone through. 
So yeah, that is my top five visual kei bands I would highly recommend giving a listen to. I know it's different from what usually gets to be posted on my blog but like I said, it's a tiny bit fun. 
I hope you like this post, let me know if you share my love for Japan and I'll be back to my usual posting tomorrow. 


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