Why Do I Blog?

Hello everyone. 
Today's post on the blog is something that I've been meaning to write, and that is why I blog. 
Photo from Pinterest, so I'm short of credit. I'm sorry.
So why do I blog?
When I started this, it was a hobby but then it got more serious and then became a regular thing. But now, I'm blogging for me. I blog because I want to, I enjoy it and it's my favourite thing. 

Blogging to me, is my happy place and I find myself always coming back again and again. I get a really good buzz from how blogging makes me feel. I feel much happier when I'm blogging. I love reading other blogs as well as writing my own. There's something very therapeutic about sharing things with other bloggers. 
I love it so much.
Blogging is also very second nature to me now, I started in 2009 and I'm still at it. I blog for me, as I said. I love blogging and I'm so happy to make so many brand new friends every day. I'm so happy I'm a part of this amazing platform. 
So yes, that is why I blog. 

I did actually abandon blogging altogether in 2015 and again last year because I had moved over to Wordpress. I'm also a writer and kind of poet as well as a blogger. I've been writing that since 2014. I adore both blogging and writing. I can do both. And, I'm always on my Tumblr blog, which I have had since 2010, so all in all, I've been a blogger for almost 8 years. I have no intention of stopping any time soon. No. 
Anyway, I'm back tomorrow with another post so keep an eye out for that. Enjoy the remainder of this week, I love you all.



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