Forever Love Affair With The Leather Jacket

Hi everyone, 
I've missed my little blog and, although we are trying to rebuild our relationship, 
it's so good to be back.
I've always definitely still got that huge love affair with the good old trustworthy leather jacket. Everybody owns a leather jacket of sorts, I absolutely ADORE mine, it was from F&F a good few years ago for £30.
Best purchase ever, but I do have my beady little eyes on a new one. 
But yes a leather jacket is an absolute key must-have item and, let's be totally honest, 
you can't really go wrong. 
Leather jackets always go with practically anything. 

Yesterday, as I was currently faffing around on Polyvore, 
I decided that I would create 3 different outfit looks using a black leather jacket. 
I've really gotten back to loving Polyvore more than I used to. I'm planning a seperate post on this blog for that. 
And I really should start scheduling my blog posts soon. 
Hope you enjoy today's post guys. Kate. XOXO


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