Kate and Aimee | A Story of 2 Girls in Love

I'm pretty stoked to finally be able to write this blog post. I've been meaning to tell you guys for a long while, but, you know what, it's better late than never right? 

Entering any kind of relationship is always a frightening thing. If it's same sex or not. If it's long distance or not long distance. I'm only 2 hours from my girlfriend. Not too bad. I'm glad it's only 2 hours and not million of miles away. I'm happy about that. 
Not complaining at all though.
Here's the story of how Aimee and I met.

It was the end of a boiling hot month in July 2018 minding my own business not really thinking anything of it when a particular blog caught my attention, so I decided to follow and I'll tell you, it was the best decision I ever made.
I was instantly followed back and I felt instant happiness.
I found someone special.
It felt wonderful to have a connection with another girl.
I thought to myself, I really think this girl and I could actually start being something.
Our relationship started growing from our first talk.
It was a brilliant feeling.
Aimee makes me feel so happy and I tell her repeatedly. She says that always makes her smile. I'm pleased it does too.
I love her kindness, it's one of the most genuine things she has. That made me smile.
I have this beautiful, loving, sweet girl that always takes a moment to ask me how I am and what's going on in my life.
Having Aimee in my life has changed it in so many ways and I am so lucky to have her.

The more we talk the more we understand each other. We tell each other everything. I feel safe with her. We tend to keep our relationship private and we are a private couple. We tend not to flaunt our relationship all over everywhere.
Private is better.
But yes, my girlfriend is very special.
I'm always there for her.
I love her and all that she is and I am so proud of the person she's turning into.
I'm posting this on my Tumblr so she can put this on hers.

When you have that connection to someone who is your whole world, that won't be taken away. You care so deeply for them. I care so deeply for Aimee, it's pretty cool. I like that. I care so much for this wonderful girl. To have this bond with her, is even more special.
When I met Aimee, it was completely unexpected, it was like a sweet perfection I felt. I thought I would never find anyone but that one day in July last year changed everything for me and that is something I will remember always. It's things like that that make new relationships so rewarding.

The thing about my relationship is how it's all calm and hardly rushed at all. I don't like rushing into things. That isn't a good thing. But I wouldn't change Aimee for anything and as long as she's happy and okay then I'm happy too. She's not only my partner. She's my best friend, my rock and world. I love my life with her, that is a feeling that is indescribable. She makes me so happy. I love her so much and life together just got a million times better.


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