David Luiz | The Man With The Biggest Heart in Football

Photo from Tumblr. 
I want to share a post about someone that I have admired for a long time and means a lot to me. I thought it was only right to share. 
Let me start from the beginning to all of this. 
It was September 14 1998, I was 16 and met my first boyfriend, who is a big Chelsea fan like me. We're not together any more but I'm not mentioning him in this. Things have changed a lot since those days. Definitely. 
I've been following Chelsea Football Club for 20 years. 
I am so happy to be a big supporter of this amazing club, I have wonderful friends and I'm thrilled to be a part of it. 
I love all my Chelsea friends, I wouldn't have it any other way. I adore them to last a lifetime. 
It's worth everything. 
I'm lucky to have become friends with so amazing people, and they know who they are. 

Anyway, this will probably be a long blog, so get comfy. 
Football is a funny old game and you get to see the good things like wins, celebrating with team-mates, new signings and all round happiness that comes with it.
But you get to witness all the bad things too, red cards, horror injuries/tackles, fights and fan rivalry. I've seen so many things and trials and tribulations in football. I'm not phased by it and it's not something I'd not seen before but I will say it stays with you. If anything, football goes one way or the other way. 
But it can be amazing too to see everything that comes with football. You can never know what will happen next. My dad isn't a Chelsea fan at all but he always tells me that football is a funny old game and you never know what comes next.
I'm fine about that. 
I agree.
Chelsea Football Club continue to be my life. 
I've seen it all firsthand, for sure. 
All Chelsea fans have. We see every single thing, everything. That comes with being a Chelsea fan, and I could do a huge rant but I won't. 

But enough about me babbling. 
Onto the point of me writing this post on my blog. I'm trying to explain as best I can, so bear with me. 
I remember one day in 2012, I first laid eyes on this tall man with the Chelsea shirt on and the number 4. My immediate thought was, 'ah I don't think this guy will do much, I have my doubts, but we'll see.' It was an honest opinion I had at the back of my mind. Looking back, I'm not convinced it would change anything. 
I was definitely proved wrong. 
I laugh about it now because I had no clue of how much of an impact he'd make to the club. 

His name was David Luiz and he was from Brazil. 
He was tall with beautiful eyes and the curliest hair I ever saw. 
His smile lit up the room when he walked into it. 
I'm a Christian and to find out that he was a Christian too was amazing. 
It was like I had made a friend. 

Here's the thing.
I had been in a very dark place before, but David has definitely managed to show me that, no matter how or what I'm feeling, it will and can get better. 
David never judges anyone for anything. He's always so sweet and has so much love in him. 
He has a heart of gold. 
He never lets anything get him down and he's so brave. 
He's a beautiful person and I truly believe he is the reason I am still alive today. 

Thankyou David for always being so wonderful. 
My light, my sparkle in my darkness. 


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