Life Lately | January

Firstly, I must apologise for being a crap blogger on this little piece of my blog. 
Photo from Weheartit. 
Blogging on here has started to drag me down, I won't lie to you. I'm just feeling like it's too much to handle but I'm trying to change that around. I'm trying to spend more time with this blog. I'll try, I'll really try.
First blog post of February is one of those Life Lately things I always see bloggers writing about. I actually think it's a great idea. I like finding out about what they do with their day, what they listen to, what TV they like, everything. 
It's really cool. 
So here is my first Life Lately post for last month. Hope you enjoy and I'll be posting here again soon. 

Books I Have Read - The Long Hard Road Out of Hell
Marilyn Manson's Autobiography that came out in 1998. I'm not an avid reader but it's definitely made me want to read a lot more. 
Marilyn Manson is a true rock icon and I really learnt to fall in love with him. He's not afraid to speak his mind or say what he thinks. 
I know people think he's a monster, but he's not like that at all in any way shape or form. I've watched thousands of his interviews and it shows this gentle, inspirational, intelligent and witty and down to earth guy. I loved his book which I got for Christmas. 
Definitely worth getting.
I would read it all over again. 
I loved it. 
I will treasure this book for a lifetime. 

Girl Hearts Girl
The lovely Lucy Sutcliffe brought out this super cute book 2 years ago and I just finished it last week. I loved it. I never really knew that much about Lucy, but I do follow her on social media and Tumblr and reading her book was an absolute pleasure. It has a lovely little place in my new found book collection by my DVD collection. 
Lucy is just amazing. 

Bands and Music : 
I've been really loving my music lately. I've got a really broad music taste, I also really adore country. My favourites are Dolly Parton and old country classics. Memphis May Fire and Circa Survive are my favourite bands. 
I am aware this post is late. 


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