Poem | Pitter Pattering Rain

Happy Friday and August blogging Day 4. I have something to share with you today, very very exciting. Recently started writing again and I decided I wanted to try my hand at poetry prompts and this is what I came up with. Enjoy and Day 5 tomorrow.

I've always been a big rain person
In all weathers
Especially Summertime
When the air feels hot and starts to turn cool after a downpour, and I love that
I love that feeling, after the rain, you know the lingering scent of raindrops on the ground.

I won't deny that rain is my favourite thing that happens when the sky of the day goes grey
Knowing thunderstorms are approaching to cover the clouds
To cover the sunlight
Waiting for the first splashes of watery tears to hit the blades of green on the ground.

Pitter pattering rain has a nice vibe to how it sounds
Like a billion hands immersed in non stop clapping until silence is heard after the raining ends.
That tells me pretty much everything that I need to know about what makes pitter pattering rain what it is... 


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