My J-Rock Story | Dir en Grey

Hello people, today I thought I would sit and share something with you that means quite a lot to me. These five guys have been a huge part of my life, over the years. I have a big fascination with Japan. Nothing better. I just love it. As long as you find something you love, then I see nothing wrong with that. 
I fell in love with Dir En Grey in 2009. 
It felt like something just clicked with me. 
Something was missing and I managed to find it. I had found something that made everything better. Something to make me happy. 
Something new to me. 
An amazing feeling. 
I had a new thing to love.

I was hooked. Straight off I was hooked. 
Something definitely clicked, struck a chord. 
Dir En Grey have done so much for me. I wouldn't be who I am today without them or their music. 


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