What I Look For In a Relationship

Hello lovelies.
It is Tuesday today and I thought I'd share something that I have mentioned before on my other blog elsewhere, and that is what I look for in a relationship.

I like being in a relationship with someone. 
It depends if I like the person to start off with, or if I trust them or not. It depends. If I like the person or not, and if I don't, I discontinue the relationship. If we aren't compatible, then no. Relationships do not work that way. You have to be a match with the person. 
It usually takes me a good while to see if I like the thought of entering a relationship. I do but it takes a long time then I make a decision whether to go for it. I always take time to think about it. I wouldn't jump to a relationship choice straight away. 
Always think about it first before doing anything. 
My last relationship came to an end in March 2015 and I don't regret it at all. Every relationship I had always ended badly. I'm not sure why. I just got thrown away or forgot about. That can be hard to deal with, but you do eventually forget about it and move on. Anyway, I'm babbling again, I'm listing the points for what I look for in a relationship.

Trust - Trust is the first thing relationships need to have. It's a pretty big thing. From my point of view, you have to trust the person you're with, because otherwise if not, there's no point in being with them. I try not to have trust issues but I know it's something I can't help. I do find trusting people hard after being left alone. 

Compatibility - Another thing important in finding someone new. It's good to find someone that shares the same things as you. It's definitely a good thing. I think relationships can last way longer if compatibility works out better. I hope I can find someone that shares the same things as I do. I think that'd be nice. 

Date Ideas - I think I might do a blog post on this instead of in this one. Look out for that coming later this month. 

I can't think of anything else. 
I hope that my next relationship will be one that hopefully can last longer than my last relationships did.  


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