My Music Taste

Happy Saturday loves.
The taste in music that I have seems to be getting bigger every time I get my Spotify up and start listening to it. I've been listening to Vacant Home's Reflect, Respond album quite a lot because it's one of those records I fell in love with first listen. And Vacant Home are from Perth Western Australia, which has probably a varied music scene. 
I also love making playlists as one of my hobbies. 
There are so many bands/artists I love listening to and never get bored of. 

My top artists this month are:
Linkin Park 
Michael Jackson (always essential)
Drag Me Out
Heart In Hand
Loathe and Vacant Home

My favourite genres are alternative, gothic rock, metal and rock. 
And I don't even listen to the radio anymore, I'd much rather listen to the bands I love that have meaningful lyrics. There's way too much repetitive music on the radio. 


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