Social Media Has Changed My Views

Hello loves.
Today's topic on the blog is social media. 
As we all know, social media can be one of the most toxic and out of control things we can ever have in our lives. Sometimes it can be wonderful for meeting new friends and having new people to talk to and interact with, but at the same time, it's a mecca for bullying, harassment and just generally making life a total misery. It's made me look at things a lot clearer regarding social media and what effect it can have on people. I think it's absolutely disgusting how someone thinks that  they can hide behind a computer screen, go anonymously and think it's okay to start sending hate to someone they've never even met, let alone never spoken to. It makes me so sad that social media has ended up this way. Something needs to change for the better and not for the worse. Social media is one of the worst things that has ever been invented and it's just so wrong. I'm just glad that I don't use it as much as I used to when I first started getting it. 
I hate how toxic it has all become. 
Making people's lives a misery through all of this is vile. 
Imagine waking up, checking social media and seeing messages of hate and without any love. How would that make you feel? Seeing that? It's disgusting, absolutely disgusting. This is why people clearly do not think when they type something. Words are a weapon and saying something hurtful can really tip them over the edge. If you've sent hate in the past, you honestly really need to grow up and stop being so childish. Don't ever bring someone else down for the sake of entertaining yourselves. You never know what they might be or are struggling with. It really can fuck up your mental health if you're recovering from it. Think - it's all you need to do. 

Social media has definitely made me see things a lot better, for sure. 
I'm fortunate enough to follow some amazing people from all over the world and I wouldn't change that at all for anything. I've made some awesome friends. I love them all so much and they've become such a huge part of my life. It's great. 
I like using my social media to talk about things that are passionate to me and sharing bits of my life that no one will ever get to see if they don't have any social media whatsoever. I've decided to be more private with my life. I simply just do not have the time to waste on people that send me stupid messages through my DMs. Blocking is a great thing. 
If you don't want people to follow you on social, just put your accounts to private so they can't follow or interact with you. Deactivate all other accounts so nothing will happen if you don't use it any more. You'll feel so much better. I use my Twitter and Facebook and Instagram to share inspirational quotes and topics that I like sharing about. It should all be happy and fun and positive, not hurtful and angry all the time. 

Social media will forever always be a toxic place for racism, homophobia and things that will be played down as vile. As long as you're happy and positive and just sharing things that have some kind of meaning, then it will be so much better.   


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