Book Review | The Long Hard Road Out of Hell | Marilyn Manson

Hello lovelies.
It's Christmas next week and I am so excited! 
I've wanted to sit down and write a little review for this book since I got it for Christmas a couple years ago. When I opened it and realised that it was this book, I had to give it a shot, so I sat down one evening and started to read it. I was MIND BLOWN STRAIGHT AWAY. I've wanted this book for such a long time and I'm so lucky to have a copy of it finally in my hands. 

I have always been intrigued by this man.
I knew I had to give his story a shot because he's just so interesting as a person and as an individual. I've always really admired him for who he is as a person as well too. I know his music isn't everybody's cup of tea and people do seem to be intimidated by him because they think he's scary and his look and music are scary, but I don't think that at all. I am a big fan of his music and he has made some absolute belters of albums, Holywood being my favourite as it was the first album by him that I ever bought. I tend to stick to the early material that some of my favourite bands have come out with. I don't even listen to anything on the radio because it's not my scene, so I just tend to stick to bands I love that bring out songs on albums with meaningful lyrics that actually mean something. We Came As Romans, for example.

I loved everything about this book. From all the illustrations at the start of each and every chapter, to the actual vibes of his story, it's really compelling. Its fantastic. It's very disturbing in some places because there are just some parts you'll read and never forget. He has been, as the title of this book states, the long hard road out of hell, and I can totally relate to it. We all go through things that can change us as people, and I guess that's why he's always been such a controversial person, even today, but he's honestly one of the most witty and intelligent human beings ever and that was why I was drawn to him, because of his personality. Some of the things he's experienced throughout his life...I couldn't begin to imagine going through all that. His life is just very very interesting to find out about and read about. 
And I just had to review his life story on my blog. 
I strongly suggest recommending this book if you've ever wanted to know about his life, because I know I was when I first spotted the book. All the photos of his early life and with his band immediately caught my eye. I feel like you could tell your life story to him and he wouldn't judge you for it. He just really appeals to me so much so when I eventually got the book for Christmas and then realised it was actually written by him, I just had to give it a go to see what I thought of it. 

If you've ever been curious about him and what he's all about, I strongly suggest reading it. Thoroughly enjoyed it and I'd read it in a heartbeat all over again. You don't need to listen to his music to learn all these things about him. You can just go on YouTube and watch interviews with him and then you can see for yourselves just how down to earth and intelligent he actually is so there's no need to be frightened of him. At the end of the day he's just a normal human being just like you and me. But yes, he is just an interesting person and I love him so much and reading his biography has been the best thing I have ever done. 

So guys, I will sign off and wish you all a very happy Christmas. See you soon, Kate xoxo


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