stop waiting for friday

It's been a while since my last outfit inspiration post, so I'm posting one today. There's so much lovely clothing out in the shops right now, it's so tempting to want it all obviously. I'm positive that oversized skirts and cosy jumpers are going to be pretty in this winter. I'm all for that. I've asked for some boots for Christmas this year, so that's a bonus. They just go with anything and a perfect excuse for me to start wearing all my black and grey clothing again, but when do I not do that anyway? I love doing that.

I'm thinking of going back to my old Gothic style but mix it all up a bit with what I've got in my closet right now. I'm aching to get my dark hair back so I can start this whole process all over again. I'm sure I can find something new in the shops after Christmas. Sometimes it's good to be different and not give a fuck what people think or have to say. If you spend half the time caring what people think of you, that won't get you anywhere. Anyway, enjoy this post lovelies and I shall see you very soon. x


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