Recipe | Red Pesto Pasta

My recipe tag was looking rather bare, so I'm updating it. I love posting recipes with pretty food photos. Feels good. 
Hi my loves, it's Sunday today, and I'm blogging. Oh what a life I live, haha. 
Pasta is my favourite thing to make. 
Doesn't take me long to do so I'll let the photo do the talking. Blog soon again. x. 
(Is it bad that I want to nom on this photo, lol?)

Ingredients Required:
Pasta of choice
1 jar of red pesto
Cheese (I always use vegan cheese because it's much better for mixing in) 
Boiling water
Medium saucepan & plate or bowl.

Cooking Directions:
Boil water and pour over the dry pasta and turn the heat on
Allow to simmer, stirring occasionally. 
Drain pasta when softened after ten minutes, saving some of the water for the sauce. 
Stir in pesto, cheese & water and serve. 


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