
Hello my lovelies, I thought I'd write a little update post for you all today. I've really distanced myself from my blog lately but I'm trying to change that and come on Blogger more often. I'm just blogging when I feel like it I guess. I'm not into daily blogging any more. I gave that up ages ago. 
Anywho, how pretty is the photo I found on Tumblr? Thought I would share it for this post but I'm not sure about the credit so apologies. 

Started my poetry writing again because I missed it so bad. I love writing and I would love to bring out a book of writing I've done. I want my book to be something that people can relate to. It's one of my goals in life, writing a book. I've wanted to write a book of my writing for years. I really just want to do it. One day darlings, one day it'll happen. 

I'm loving books and reading. It's a great thing. I'm currently reading Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. I love things all true crime and murder. You can always find me lurking in the crime section in bookstores. The Birthing House by Christopher Ransom was a fabulous read. I would definitely read it again. I'd love to have my own mini library one day. 

I'm also really loving all my music right now. 
It changes from rock and metal, country and alternative through to visual kei and classics. I love to look at new releases. My music is constantly changing and I love it. I hope it'll always change. I love music too much. 

So that's today's post on this blog. 
I'll be back with another post soon guys and I'll see you soon. 
Love you all. 


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